Wink Reports

A deep dive into ServiceTitan analytics features

Written by Team Wink | Jul 11, 2024 12:17:53 PM

Depending on what questions you have, data analytics have answers on what works, where risk hides, and how to plan for growth and move your business forward.

With ServiceTitan as your business tool of choice, we explore how far it goes to helping you achieve your data analytics objectives, and how you can enhance its capabilities.

Extracting value from data

Typically, the skills and tools needed to understand the complex beast that is your business data are beyond the means of many SMEs.

The challenge with data

You’re probably using different tools to manage different business functions. That just scatters your data across departments and the company. It produces a silo effect that disconnects data sources and makes them hard to integrate. There’s still valuable data hidden in there, but now it takes forever to access and generate comprehensive insights. No surprise then that a 2023 World Economic Forum survey found 64% of SMEs struggling to use the data from their systems effectively. For 74% of respondents, the struggle to maximize the value of their company’s data investments was real.

So, you know that you need a hand but what kind of help do you invest in? Options include hiring a data scientist, or handing the job to data literate staff members who know about data types and interpreting analytics. Maybe you fancy your Excel, SQL or other technical skills. In the interests of sharing data insights with all staff members so that the entire company benefits, you might encourage everyone to upskill with data analytics courses, follow data science blogs, etc. and stay current with developments in business intelligence (BI).

These options are difficult, time-consuming and costly, and still leave you lagging behind your objectives.

Metrics that matter to you

The insights you want from your business data determine which metrics to monitor, track and analyze:

  • Service performance metrics - completion rates, response times and tech efficiency to illustrate overall performance
  • Customer behavior data - from sales, reviews, and social media interactions
  • Resource allocation and scheduling metrics - tech availability data, workload commitments and travel time to help minimize cost and maximize service delivery
  • Inventory management metrics - tracking stock levels, usage and replenishment to help prevent stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and ensure timely availability of parts
  • Revenue, expenses and profit data - for better budgeting, pricing, and investment planning

ServiceTitan's analytics features

With report analytics in the basic ServiceTitan package, you’re off to a good start. There’s a range of KPI reports that can help you track conversion rates, expenses and profits, and revenue trends by day, week and month. The system can generate technician scorecards, giving you the lowdown on details like memberships sold per tech. The system also generates a CSR scorecard to help you review incoming calls, conversions, and other metrics.

You can do specific reports on calls, leads, revenue, transactions, scorecards, job and project costing, pricebook and procure-to-pay tool where you can match up your Pricebook with supplier data. You can check inventory, resolve cost discrepancies, and track payments. Once all the data is in, you can view jobs individually on an analytics screen inside ServiceTitan, and then interpret the numbers before you.

Then you can set reporting permissions for each coworker with whom you want to share reports. But you’ll need more than that. So, let’s see what more you can get from Titan Intelligence by way of analytics.

What Titan Intelligence offers

This Pro product works with data to help users make decisions in specific scenarios, but don’t mistake it for a traditional BI tool. Based on your usage of the Titan Intelligence product, ServiceTitan aggregates certain metrics to help you answer questions like the material items most frequently used in a particular job, length of a job, and average drive time to a location.

The AI-powered features in ServiceTitan’s Pro package focus on optimizing specific business areas:

  • Ads optimizer - it works with revenue and audience data
  • Automated proposal templates - based on jobs and industry best practices analytics
  • GPS enabled timesheets - compare job timesheet data with GPS data
  • Job value predictor - takes into account job value predictions and recent tech performance
  • Benchmark report - uses key metrics to compare your business to other similar businesses

Does it go far enough?

Going by ServiceTitan’s community forum, their data analytics and reporting features don’t tick all the boxes. One user wished for a customer export that provided first and last names separately instead of just one name. Seems like a small detail, but for that user the implications are nightmarish. They faced the prospect of doing text to columns for over 20,000 recorded items. They’d have to enter names in separate fields the old, manual way in Excel because there’s no way to pull the data together in ServiceTitan.

They summarized the situation: “Bad data in, bad data out.”

Another user wished they could automatically pull data from ServiceTitan to connect to an external BI dashboard. They wanted to access performance analytics that update automatically without having to manually run a report. It suggests a chunk of prep work to be done to have all the necessary data before analysis can even begin.

The built-in data analytics functionality may not be able to do historical trend analysis or future projections. Nor is it clear if you’re able to combine your ServiceTitan data with other data sources, for example, from your finance software. And what if your staff doesn’t have the technical expertise to extract and access data in the system using APIs? 

There are filtering options to adjust the analysis, but the data display is somewhat restrictive. You’ll probably wish you could view this data in a spreadsheet-style format. Some data, like from the pricebook, must be exported first and processed externally in Excel, which will make you wonder why you didn’t just do all it in Excel. Here’s why: it takes too long, it costs you manpower, and it produces import errors.

If you’re serious about analytics, you’ll supplement ServiceTitan’s basic reporting capabilities and equip yourself with advanced analytics and business intelligence.

Why you need to get serious about analytics

Without analyzing your business, operational and workflow data, all of the below become an uphill battle:

  • Identifying growth opportunities
  • Understanding market trends
  • Tailoring services to customer demands

The data tells you exactly where to focus your efforts, so you don’t waste time guessing and fumbling with fragmented data. Data translates into BI. No business in the 21st century can do without this superpower. If you’re still not sure why you need it, read this.

How else will you know where and how to optimize ops? When you track performance, service delivery and turnaround time, data shows you. It gauges the efficiency of your scheduling, route planning and inventory management. By monitoring resource allocation and tech productivity, it guides you to improving employee performance and consequently the customer experience.

Data is a storytelling tool that highlights areas for improvement and successful strategies to replicate, so that you retain happy customers and attract new ones. Analysis of your customer habits help you understand their behavior and preferences, so you can personalize services.

What’s data got to do with the price of services? Everything. It helps you predict equipment maintenance requirements and understand the impact on your ability to respond to seasonal demand and the popularity of products/services in particular geographies. It informs your pricing model strategies and the focus for your marketing campaigns.

Enhance your data analytics with Wink

The best return on your data analytics investment is a guarantee that your tools will meet all your objectives. This is Wink’s wheelhouse: to report on anything and everything you can imagine. And it plays nicely with your basic ServiceTitan package.

While Wink minds your data, you just help yourself to the insights and get on with business.

Easy integration, easy access

It’s as easily done as said. When you connect ServiceTitan to Wink Reports, we pull through all data from your various business software tools, including historical data, and store it in the cloud.

There’s literally no limit. No to-and-fro exporting and importing numbers, with multiple Excel spreadsheets inviting errors. Just good, clean analytics based on the key questions you ask the system.

Want a single place to view your analytics? You’ve got it. Need to combine data sources from your accounting software and tech timesheets and job completion metrics? No problemo.

You get enhanced capabilities that visualize data insights on user-friendly dashboards. This guide to our ServiceTitan Business Essentials dashboard shows how it’ll work for you.

A data-driven approach empowers you to:

  1. Make more informed decisions
  2. Improve operational efficiency
  3. Save costs and boost sales for greater revenue

You’re off to a great start running your home service business with ServiceTitan. Now, get your analytics right by enhancing the existing ServiceTitan capability with some supercharged data reporting expertise. For a winning combo, sign up to Wink and achieve all your data analytics objectives.